Sydney to the Max (2019-2021)

Sydney to the Max





Aufrufe: 1.987 (mehr erfahren)

Anzahl Sprechrollen: 36

Darsteller Sprecher Rolle Staffel Episode
Symera Jackson Ronja Peters Robyn 1 9
Kyle Red Silverstein Kaze Uzumaki Rusty 3 8 & 18
Siena Agudong Zalina Sanchez Decke Brittany 1 8
Keyon Bowman Tom Raczko Miles 1 8
Melissa Peterman Agnes Hilpert Mrs. Harris 1; 2 7, 17; 8
Princess K. Mapp Nina Schatton Jada 3 7
Lauren Plaxco Sabine Mazay Ms. Taylor 1 4 & 15
Max Jimenez Nando Schmitz Hudson 1 4
Reid Shapiro Dennis Sandmann Iggy (1. Stimme) 1; 2 3, 10, 13; 1, 7, 13
Reid Shapiro Manuel Elsherif Iggy (2. Stimme) 3 3 & 10
Rizwan Manji Christian Intorp Vize-Direktor Virmani 1 21
Ginifer King Victoria Sturm Angela 1 21
Emily Churchill Tanja Schmitz Gretchen 1 20
Eric Petersen Thomas Schmuckert Don 1 2, 4 & 10
Audrey Cymone Nina Schatton Kendra 3 2 & 10
Giovanna Bush Anni C. Salander Tia 3 19
Erin Pineda Diana Borgwardt Mrs. Chavez 1 19
Carlease Burke Martina Treger Grandma Maya 1 19
Aaron Takahashi Dirk Bublies Mr. Tanaka 1 18-19 & 21
Brekkan Spens Vincent Borko Chad 1 18
Kara Crane Anja Nestler Abby 1 17
Scott Connors Thomas Schmuckert Chet 1 16
Carlos Acuña Sebastian Christoph Jacob Tomás 1 15
Joachim Powell Oliver Szerkus LJ 1 14
Liesel Kopp Ilka Willner Athena 1 12
Grace Lu Patricia Faltin Roxanne 3 11
Kelly Frye Saskia Glück Maggie 1 11
Frances Callier Karin Grüger Gia 1 1
Ruth Righi Magdalena Montasser Sydney Reynolds
Ava Kolker Léa Mariage Olive Rozalski
Ian Reed Kesler Fabian Oscar Wien Max Reynolds
Jackson Dollinger Ben Ziegenbein Max Reynolds (jung)
Christian J. Simon Silas Schubert Leo Webb
Caroline Rhea Sabine Arnhold Judy Reynolds
Julia Garcia Anni C. Salander Emmy Mendoza
Amelia Wray Isabella Vinet Sophia
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