Sydney to the Max (2019-2021)

Sydney to the Max





Aufrufe: 1.980 (mehr erfahren)

Anzahl Sprechrollen: 36

Darsteller Sprecher Rolle Staffel Episode
Caroline Rhea Sabine Arnhold Judy Reynolds
Erin Pineda Diana Borgwardt Mrs. Chavez 1 19
Brekkan Spens Vincent Borko Chad 1 18
Aaron Takahashi Dirk Bublies Mr. Tanaka 1 18-19 & 21
Reid Shapiro Manuel Elsherif Iggy (2. Stimme) 3 3 & 10
Grace Lu Patricia Faltin Roxanne 3 11
Kelly Frye Saskia Glück Maggie 1 11
Frances Callier Karin Grüger Gia 1 1
Melissa Peterman Agnes Hilpert Mrs. Harris 1; 2 7, 17; 8
Rizwan Manji Christian Intorp Vize-Direktor Virmani 1 21
Carlos Acuña Sebastian Christoph Jacob Tomás 1 15
Ava Kolker Léa Mariage Olive Rozalski
Lauren Plaxco Sabine Mazay Ms. Taylor 1 4 & 15
Ruth Righi Magdalena Montasser Sydney Reynolds
Kara Crane Anja Nestler Abby 1 17
Symera Jackson Ronja Peters Robyn 1 9
Keyon Bowman Tom Raczko Miles 1 8
Giovanna Bush Anni C. Salander Tia 3 19
Julia Garcia Anni C. Salander Emmy Mendoza
Siena Agudong Zalina Sanchez Decke Brittany 1 8
Reid Shapiro Dennis Sandmann Iggy (1. Stimme) 1; 2 3, 10, 13; 1, 7, 13
Princess K. Mapp Nina Schatton Jada 3 7
Audrey Cymone Nina Schatton Kendra 3 2 & 10
Max Jimenez Nando Schmitz Hudson 1 4
Emily Churchill Tanja Schmitz Gretchen 1 20
Scott Connors Thomas Schmuckert Chet 1 16
Eric Petersen Thomas Schmuckert Don 1 2, 4 & 10
Christian J. Simon Silas Schubert Leo Webb
Ginifer King Victoria Sturm Angela 1 21
Joachim Powell Oliver Szerkus LJ 1 14
Carlease Burke Martina Treger Grandma Maya 1 19
Kyle Red Silverstein Kaze Uzumaki Rusty 3 8 & 18
Amelia Wray Isabella Vinet Sophia
Ian Reed Kesler Fabian Oscar Wien Max Reynolds
Liesel Kopp Ilka Willner Athena 1 12
Jackson Dollinger Ben Ziegenbein Max Reynolds (jung)
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