The Gentlemen (2024-)

The Gentlemen





Aufrufe: 5.025 (mehr erfahren)

Anzahl Sprechrollen: 39

Darsteller Sprecher Rolle Staffel Episode
Gary Beadle Johannes Berenz Thick Rick 1 6-8
Max Beesley Dietmar Wunder Henry Collins 1 6-8
Jasmine Blackborow Magdalena Höfner Charly 'Chuckles' Horniman 1 1, 7, 8
Cameron Cook Karim El Kammouchi Toni Blair 1 3
Chanel Cresswell Carolina Vera Tamasina 'Tammy' Horniman 1 1, 3, 5-8
Logan Dean Stefan Bräuler Blanket 1 1-5, 7, 8
Giancarlo Esposito Oliver Siebeck Stanley 'Onkel Stan' Johnston 1 1, 2, 6-8
Mason Fardowe Peter Sura Keith 1 1-3, 5
Stephane Fichet Christian Holdt Mr. Lawrence, der Butler 1 1-3, 5-8
Josh Finan Julian Tennstedt Jethro 1 1, 2, 5, 6
Edward Fox Kaspar Eichel Archibald Horatio Landrover Horniman 1 1
Freddie Fox Dirk Petrick Max Bassington 1 1 & 4
Harry Goodwins Ricardo Richter Jack Glass (Jackyboy) 1 1, 3-8
Nigel Havers Hanns Jörg Krumpholz Lord Whitecroft 'Tipsy' 1 7 & 8
Kristofer Hivju Thomas Nero Wolff Florian de Groot 1 5-8
Daniel Ings Jeremias Koschorz Freddy Horniman
Theo James Jan Makino Edward 'Eddie' Horniman
Vinnie Jones K.Dieter Klebsch Geoff Seacombe
Guz Khan Tobias Schmitz Chucky Kubra 1 6
Adam Kiani Rêzan Cheikhmous Ishy 1 6
Ranjit Krishnamma Viktor Neumann Ahmed Iqbal 1 1 & 8
Joshua McGuire Tobias Nath Peter 'Sticky Pete' Spencer-Forbes 1 1 & 8
Leah McNamara Marie Hinze Kellie Ann Ward 1 5
John Mcgrellis Sascha Krüger Errol 1 1, 2, 7, 8
Martha Millan Marion Musiol Mercy Moreno 1 3 & 8
Laurence O'Fuarain Tommy Morgenstern JP Ward 1 5 & 8
Pearce Quigley Frank Röth John 'der Apostel' Dixon 1 1, 2, 7, 8
Joely Richardson Christin Marquitan Lady Sabrina Horniman
Alexis Rodney Felix Spieß Emory Stevens 1 1, 2, 6-8
Jasper Ryan-Cater Tim Sander Shanklin 1 7
Dar Salim Thomas Schmuckert Felix 1 2
Kaya Scodelario Maria Hönig Susan 'Susie' Glass
Ruby Sear Lea Kalbhenn Gabrielle 1 3, 4, 7, 8
Peter Serafinowicz Axel Malzacher Tommy Dixon 1 1, 2 & 8
Hon Ping Tang Thomas Nero Wolff Sandy 1 4
John Thomson Lutz Schnell Frances 'Frank' 1 4
Michael Vu Julius Jellinek James 'Jimmy' Chang
Gaia Weiss Jasmin Arnoldt Prinzessin Rosanne 1 2, 4, 6
Ray Winstone Axel Lutter Robert 'Bobby' Glass 1 2, 5, 7, 8
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